The Family Science Alliance welcomes the heartbeat decree!

We do believe that life begins at the moment of conception and must be protected and sheltered. Today, legislation often provides greater protection for a bird’s egg than for a developing fetus in the womb. The heartbeat decree can make a mother recognise the value of human life developing in the womb, accept her own child and her vocation as a mother, and not seek to resolve her unplanned pregnancy situation by abortion.

In parallel with the heartbeat decree, the society should be made aware that raising the standard of couple relationship culture is our fundamental human and national interest. We must strive to ensure that every human life conceived should be the expected child of a loving mother and father.

We should strengthen the support of those institutions that provide care for unadopted children who are born and seek loving family backgrounds as soon as possible.

Our mission is to prepare children for harmonious marriage from an early age and to promote the formation and maintenance of good marriages and happy families. With a stable, loving and respectful family background, the thought of abortion rarely arises.

The heartbeat decree points in the right direction. The efforts of pro-family countries to promote Europe’s desired population growth by enacting uniform, harmonised family and life protection laws are to be welcomed.

13 September, 2022